Proof-of-Residence MUST be in the name of the custodian parent/guardian of the student at the Blackman Elementary zoned address. These items need to be CURRENT (from June, July or August 2024).
We can accept anything that you could use to obtain a TN ID card. Items include a CURRENT copy of the following:
Utility Bills
Bank Statements
Rental/Mortgage Contracts/Deeds
Paychecks/check stubs
Insurance policies (auto, life, health)
Motor Vehicle Registration/title
Voter Registration
IRS w-2 from most recent year
Property tax receipts
ITIN tax number from IRS Immigration paperwork
Employer Authorization Cards
DHS Benefit Mailing Probation paperwork to the address
Proof/print out that address has been changed with the post office
PLEASE NOTE: Cell phone bills will NOT be accepted.