Mr. Tye McCleary » Physical Education Expectations

Physical Education Expectations


  • I will listen during instruction or peer questioning- no talking, stay focused
  • I will demonstrate appropriate respect to peers and teachers- kind words, appropriate talk, will not engage in aggressive physical contact, etc.
  • I will keep my hands/feet to myself- will not touch, push, kick, trip other students
  • I will follow safety rules in the gym and on the walking track- follow teacher directions, go around the cones, will not jump over the cones during warm-up laps, travel the correct direction
  • I will wear appropriate footwear to participate in PE activities- tennis shoes are strongly recommended to protect feet and provide support for movement
  • I will participate and complete ALL activities to the best of my ability-positive attitude and great sportsmanship



1st violation: Removal from activity and a behavior slip/mark will be placed in the agenda detailing inappropriate behavior

2nd violation: Phone call home to parent/guardian


*Office Referral- possession of or pretending to have a weapon/ physical contact (aggressive)/ verbal threat to peers or teacher



Classes that demonstrate appropriate respect and behavior will be given opportunity for voter's choice activities throughout the year